Saturday, December 31, 2011

Half Baked

We've got a bun in the oven.....
Due April 2012

This was our little "we're expecting" announcement/Christmas card this year and clearly our big news of 2011.

Ready or we go!  

Friday, December 9, 2011

sucker for a note wth a heart drawn on it...

He's getting better at this..... 

No smiley face...but clearly the heart trumps smiley face any day of the week....BUT maybe he just feels bad because he's off to a holiday party with FREE DRINKS while I stay home....HMMMMMM

Thursday, December 8, 2011

More packed lunch musings....

Screw the whole theory that women seek out men that remind them of their fathers.

Today in my bag of snacks packed lovingly by my hubby was THIS...

Talk about throw back to days when my momma packed my lunch everyday.

My cup runneth over...or so I thought until I opened up my surprise with a note.....


Just five measly peanut M&M's???  Sheesh AND no smiley face. He's got a lot to learn before he starts packing school lunches. I'm just saying.....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Packed Lunch

I think my husband thinks I'm a squirrel.

 He packs my lunch for me everyday. Mostly it's snacks..a sliced apple, yogurt, a pear.....

..and nuts. Lots of nuts. Apparently, he thinks I go through nuts like a squirrel. I usually keep a stash of almonds on my desk but yesterday in my bag of snacks he had a whole tupperware full of more nuts and today when I went through my bag of goodies there was a ziploc of guessed it more nuts.