Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not enough hours in a day

Why do I wait 11 months and three weeks to decide to organize a year full of baby pictures in an attempt to produce a monthly photo banner for BC's first birthday party?

Did I mention I am determined to also produce a photo slideshow and a video montage set to music?

It's called setting myself up to fail people!!! All the while Buttercup and DaDa are on their second or fourth REM cycle.

Green, verde, vert

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, (which technically was yesterday and by the time this thing actually gets posted probably two days ago) I present to you our very, very green house.

As if the house wasn't green enough there's even a green door.

I gotta tell you, I'm not digging the green and I didn't pick it but according to Robert De Niro in "Meet the Parents" that makes me an idiot because "geniuses pick green." See for yourself.

We bought a home in one of those new planned communities where each house color and design is predetermined by a team of architects that in my humble opinion chose the ugliest green out there. By the time we bought there weren't many choices, in fact, this was the only house available in this particular model. So no brick or lovely stone which would have been out first choice.

In my husband's campaign to convince me this was the house for us, he would go around rapping this line, ""Green is my favorite color it's a sign I made it to the top." He'd attribute it to Chubb Rock but upon further investigation he really just made it up.

One of these days I hope to show you the inside of our green house. I can assure you there won't be any green inside.