Sometimes in the daily grind it's easy to forget how good I got it.
Here we were having lunch together. Just us girls, no grandparents around. (We both had eggs scrambled with spinach in case you were wondering) And admiring your cute self I couldn't help but think, where will we be in twenty years?
Will you be away at school? Although I firmly believe in state school. Student loans suck. Maybe you'll study abroad! I'd love to visit you in Paris or Spain! I tried to picture you as a twenty year old meeting up with my "fifty-something-self"for lunch.
I asked you if you'd still love me as much as you do now at 20. Probably not. Ha! But right now I am your favorite person. You are friggin adorable. Lately during feedings, you've been grabbing my face with your messy hands and pull me in close. Gets me every.time.