On the bright side, this pressure to have our house look somewhat presentable to the masses forced me to make quick decor decisions-which is very unlike me.
Here are some of my purchases.
These towels and bathroom rug for the guest powder room.
And this rug for our living room which I've had my eye on for a while.
I couldn't believe it when I showed it to my husband and he said he liked it, "lets get it." We never agree so easily on home furnishings. I'm pretty sure the rug is too small for the space but I do love the color against our dark hardwood floors.
And I bought this shower curtain for the upstairs bathroom.
Since this is Buttercups bathroom I wanted it to be "fun" but not too childish if that makes sense. I think the bright colors are perfect.
And I lied about not having any green inside our home. I decided to go with green towels and a green rug to go with the curtain.
I'm desperately trying to add some color to our home since its a sea of neutral right now. And I accepted that our house wouldn't be "done" by BC's party.
The only room I wanted to be picture perfect was Buttercup's room. Before this girl was conceived I've been itching to decorate her room but it hasn't come together as planned. I was talked out of trying to paint her room before the party. Let's just say there was a family intervention and I was told that I was trying to do too much. I saw everyone's point and agreed but still wanted to get some wall art or SOMETHING up in her room. Inspired by Pinterest, of course, I thought fabric hoops with pretty fabric would be a quick way to get color in her room. This was my inspiration:
I absolutely love everything about this. But just like everything that I've found on Pinterest that I've tried to duplicate, my version never looks quite as nice. The hardest part is choosing fabric. I wish I could just CTRL C this nursery and paste it to BC's room. If only it was that easy.
My first trip to the fabric store did not go so well. I crumbled in the face of too many options. I lost focus, forgot what color palette I was going for. It didn't help that I went to the store on a busy Saturday afternoon. I was surrounded by a bunch of DIY, sewing savvy women that knew their way around the store like they owned it. I, on the other hand, felt lost in a sea of fabric. Here's a few fabrics I pulled out but was not feeling them together. I gave up and left empty handed.
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I have no idea why these pictures aren't displaying properly! |
I went back to the fabric store a few days before the party with a do-or-die attitude. I knew I wouldn't have time to come back to store before the party so this was my only chance. I told myself, "just pick something it's only fabric." And I gave myself 30 minutes that's it. Well it took me 40 minute but I came out with a pretty decent selection that I think works well together.
In the end I didn't get the hoop art up for the party. Womp womp. It's still an uncompleted project since the letters need to be painted. And I'm thinking I might need more hoops? Looking at these pics the hoops seem a bit spread out. I'd also like to try to find fabric with some yellow in it to tie in the yellow handles on her dresser.
By the way the dresser is
So that's what I've been up to. I've been writing Buttercup's birth story in bits and pieces. I had given myself up to her birthday to finish and yea that didn't happen so maybe by 13 months? [EDIT NOTE: 13 months didn't happen either we're keeping fingers crossed for 14 months!] You really shouldn't wait a year to start writing birth story or these are the kind of conversations you'll have with your husband.
Me: Do you recall exactly what the intern said when she checked me at the hospital?
Husband: long, dramatic pause. I see the head! The baby is coming out RIGHT NOW!
Me: That is absolutely NOT what she said.