Friday, February 20, 2015

First Day Solo

Baby boy came early. Two weeks early and I promise this time, I won't wait until a year after baby is born to write down his birth story

Two weeks and one day. First time just me and my two loves. No baby daddy, no grandparents or friends. Just us three for ten hours. 

My mom called last night and asked if I wanted her to change her plans. I told her, I got this and honestly I was curious to see how it goes. 

It's not even 2 o'clock in the afternoon but I think we're doing ok. By some  miracle, I manged to bake muffins with Buttercup and baby boy slept. 

Not in arms and flat on his back! 

But the biggest miracle is this combo nap that is happening right now as we speak!

Only thing missing is me-napping. Which I intend to try to do. So if you'll excuse me. 

I'm fully aware that the rest of this day may go to hell so let me enjoy this while I can.