I got lost dropping my husband off at the train station. Well not exactly true..I got lost AFTER I dropped him off (thank god) so the embarrassment and shame of getting lost on a 12 minute drive from the train station that I've done a ZILLION times was only shared by myself.
I am so embarrassed. How do I get so lost so easily? Where the heck was I going? I swear I just start driving and just go aimlessly into the abyss.
In my defense, it's not like this is my hometown. I didn't grow up here. But my family has lived here for a good five years and I've been traveling down on the train to visit them for a good five years. And I have successfully driven myself or a loved one to the train station and back with success but no not this time.
I don't know what went wrong?? It's such a simple little drive. I'm feeling stressed out now. It's been said that I could get lost in a paper bag and this is not a good quality to have people! I mean one could say this is a metaphor for my LIFE.
My husband was halfway back to New York by the time I made my way back home! And I was in full panic mode mainly because the longer I was lost the greater the chances someone would discover what an idiot I am. This is not the stuff you want to share. I was worried the hubs would call me on the cell phone to make sure I got home already or worse my Dad would call me, "Where are you? I thought the train left at 7:30...it's 8:30???" What will I say, "umm I'll be home soon I just thought I'd take the scenic route through Delaware."
I hate sharing that I am so geographically challenged especially with the two men in my life who pride themselves on having such a great sense of direction, these two spend hours looking at maps...JUST FOR FUN.
I am not a good driver. I know this. We all can't be good at everything. Cut me some slack I've lived in New York City for five years we don't need to operate heavy, dangerous pieces of machinery to get from point A to point B.
Secondly, I'm a nervous driver and there can't be anything worse that a nervous driver. And my nervousness gets heightened knowing that all the people around me on the road hate me. Yes, they hate me. I know they do. I FEEL their anger towards me. They pass me on the highway and then crane their head to give me a dirty look because I'm not driving fast enough and yes, I know the left lane is the fast lane and I've got no business driving in the left lane..I'm just waiting for the right moment to SAFELY switch lanes.
Did I mention that somehow I wound up being the one to help my sister drive the moving van to Boston? I'm having a minor anxiety attack.
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