From the moment she walked in I had my suspicions….
Maybe it was because I caught her looking me up and down on her first day when I walked past her desk. The inner black woman in me wanted to snap, “Don’t look at me!”
(I had just caught the end of Big Momma’s House over the weekend)
I wouldn't like this girl.
Once she started talking…totally confirmed it.
On her second day she proclaimed "I come from the something-something family” as in some supposedly prestigious family and I just about puked. I don't see how her having the same blood line as some uppity-up helps us AT ALL.
My irritation with her grew when she started pontificating about proper placement of commas to our series producer. I wasn't privy to the details but she was saying the comma should be placed outside the quotation mark. Now I'm no grammar queen; in fact, my grammar sucks but seriously comma outside the quotation marks?
And who talks to their boss in that “I'm right and you're wrong” superior tone on their first week on the job? (By the way our boss is super duber smart and no, my boss did not change the placement of the comma)
But folks, the truth of the matter is--she IS smarter than me. She's strategic and evil and in the corporate world her arrogance gets translated into success. Trust me I’ve seen her type. She got me right where she wanted me. And it makes me so angry with myself.
She literally cornered me. Since she asks so many freakin’ questions she knows we both take the same train home. It was late on Friday-I was wrapping up and couldn't help but notice she was too. Knowing the last thing I wanted to do was make small talk after an exhausting week I tried to avoid walking out with her. She looked about ready so I made a beeline for the bathroom. I thought I was safe but as I'm making my way back down the hallway, there she was waiting by the elevator.
Annoying Girl: Want me to wait for you?
Me: Oh, I don’t want to make you wait. I’m still logged in and all..,
Annoying Girl: Oh no! I don’t mind at all.
Why didn't I say no? Why didn't I say I had an email to send out?
No, of course not-that wouldn't be nice.
Stupid, stupid me.
So I had to endure a whole train ride from Soho to
Columbus Circlewith annoying girl.
Columbus Circlewith annoying girl.
Here's the deal, she was casing me! She was waiting for the right moment to get me alone make like we're buddies just so she could get try to get my deal, figure me out. And I like the big idiot I am handed it right to her.
I couldn’t believe it-we hadn't gotten out the front door and she already asked me how I got the job and did I interview for it? How long was my contract? WHO IS THIS GIRL?
I did not handle it well. And this isn't the first time. I get so upset and really defensive when people start asking me interview-like questions especially when it's obvious it’s all in an effort to take my responses and label me.
Where did you go to school?
Where do you work?
What do you want to do?
Augh! I can't stand it and yes, now that I've had a few days to think about it; I now realize it's my fragile self that gets the best of me. It is the fragile part of me that hasn't fully recovered from being laid off. It is the part of me that questions if I'm good enough to make it in this industry and is still struggling to figure out what she wants to do with her life.
Don’t get me wrong annoying girl is definitely annoying.
But if I felt secure in my abilities and actually enjoyed the work I’m doing in this gosh darn job-her drilling and annoying questions wouldn’t faze me.
But they do-because honestly I think I’d rather be baking cupcakes and decorating them as pumpkins than working on a show that I know doesn’t match my strengths.
And yes, I am clearly still trying to figure out what those “strengths” are.