You know how it's supposed to be this magical moment when the bride and groom see each other for the first time on their wedding day? Well on my wedding day when I walked into the church and got my first glance at MY groom he looked pissed..not exactly the storybook moment I was envisioning.
Later on my husband told me he got super annoyed when he saw his crazy brother-in-law jump in front of the professional photographer we paid good money for so he could get the money shot of me walking down the aisle on his camera phone.
HIS CAMERA PHONE. He got in the way of our professional photographer and the photographer's fancy schmany camera so he could get a shot of me walking down the aisle on his CAMERA PHONE. And then he proceeded to take that photo of me on his camera phone with my eyes half-closed and making some weird face and posted it on Facebook.
Imagine my surprise when I got back from my honeymoon and went back to work to have people I barely know tell me, aww welcome back I saw your wedding pictures!
Really? How is that possible? I mean I barely even KNOW you and I haven't even seen the pictures from our photographer.
One word for you. FACEBOOK. Yes, for girls like me Facebook is our worst enemy. And when I say girls like me I am referring to insecure, type A personality control freaks that do not photograph well on your CHEAP CAMERAS and are less than thrilled that you decided to share theses photos with 200 of your closest friends.
Listen, I am not a photogenic person. I know this. It's been painful growing up with two very photogenic sisters. So I know that my wedding photographer had his work cut out for him but little did I know that everyone and their mother thinks they're a photographer these days and felt it was their duty to photograph our wedding day and promptly post them on Facebook without even bothering to think hmmmm the bride does look a bit cross eyed in this one maybe I shouldn't post. NO! OF COURSE NOT.
I know it's silly to some but the fact is a bride wants to look and feel beautiful on her wedding day and years from now wants to look at her wedding pictures and think, "damn I looked hot...what happened to me??"
But seriously this is an important day and the reality is most people don't take good pictures and most of the point and shoot cameras our there don't do justice to the DRESS.
I know this for a fact because the photos of me in my wedding dress that wound up on Facebook are NOT GOOD. So yea, I guess I'm a little sensitive about photo-taking at weddings and believe that you should "leave it to the professionals."
So when I attended a wedding last week of a dear, dear friend I may have been a little miffed when the lady next to me kept getting annoyed because the photographer [as in PROFESSIONAL photographer] "kept getting in her way" as she phrased it.
The first time she complained about the photographer I kinda just politely smiled and shook my head. But after she started doing ninja moves to get IN FRONT OF THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER I felt I had to intervene. And so next time she complained about the photographer I responded, "well, they did hire HIM to take pictures and not you" and added a small laugh at the end in hopes that it would come across as light and airy because you know I'd hate to offend her.
Luckily for me she was not offended at all; in fact, she spent the rest of the night focusing her attention on me and getting embarrassing pictures of me out on the dance floor. Her favorite picture that she snapped was one of my armpit. Yes, the open bar had given me the confidence I needed to think I could dance and she got the perfect close-up of my armpit while I was dancing with my arms in the air.
I am waiting for it to surface on Facebook.
I guess the title of this post should be anybody with a camera that I am not paying a few grand to make sure I look good is my worst enemy.
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