Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Traffic and Tears

Buttercup and I got stuck in traffic this morning. (reason 358479 on why I'm seriously doubting our decision to leave Manhattan-TRAFFIC and DRIVING)

The standstill on 295 pissed Buttercup off --she expressed this by screaming at the top of her lungs.

In the 5 months that she's been with us Buttercup has never cried like this EVER because you know, we pick her up before it ever escalates to this level. This of course comes with a price...let's just say we haven't been getting much sleep....

But back to today-- oh, it was terrible.  I tried singing. It worked for a bit. I sang every nursery rhyme I knew-Spanish and in English, I threw in a little Doris Day even Mexican rancheros. NOTHING. She was sobbing, gasping for breath, arching her back. I clenched the steering wheel.  Her screams indicated she was shaking she was so upset..I couldn't help but notice my hands were also shaking.

I debated pulling over but it didn't seem safe. Besides, somehow we had to get home and pulling over and taking her out of the car seat would just delay this and in the end I'd still have to strap her back in and was pretty sure the end result would just be more screams.

I reverted back to ole Harvey Karp and starting shh-shh-shhing like crazy.

Suddenly, her cries  started to dissipate and... SHE FELL ASLEEP.

And this ladies and gentleman is how Buttercup and  I got our first taste of what "crying it out" would be like.

It sucked.

But SHE FELL ASLEEP and when she woke up this is what I got.

Ok,  I'm still not sure I'm convinced that crying is the best or ONLY way to fix our sleeping issues but it does give me some reassurance. 

1 comment:

  1. what a cutie patootie picture! Clearly, you can't pick them up every time, you were driving, she could still see you, so clearly you weren't abandoning her. It's probably good she doesn't get her way every time right? I really have no idea what I'm talking about, but yeah for buttercup falling asleep on her own
