When I got it in my head that I wanted to do a vintage inspired birth announcement, I spent hours searching for a retro style stove. I scoured Craigslist, posted ads for vintage and antique stoves, I even located showrooms that featured high-end retro cooking ranges. Unfortunately, I could not convince my husband or sister to casually show up to one of these showrooms, stand in front of a oven and snap a few pictures.
It was literally my mission in life to find me a stove. This is me at Williams Sonoma in Columbus Circle eyeing their cooking ranges.
In the end, I found not one but two kitchens for my little photo idea. One had a green stove-GREEN!! My first choice would've been aqua blue but hey, beggars can't be choosers. (Ignore the fact, that I don't look pregnant here. I promise you there was a bun in the oven at the time-my oven, as in, my uterus not the actual oven with the bread)
For Christmas, I had my husband dress up as Santa Claus.
It did not go so well.
My latest photo project? Valentines Day. While searching for a photographer to do Buttercup's one year portraits I came across a photographer doing a Valentine's Day mini session and I was all over it. An excuse to dress up my kid for a made-up commercial holiday? Yes, please.
The beauty of this photo shoot is that I actually have me a professional. In my past endeavors it's been me begging my sister to humor me. You don't even want to know how many times during our shoots she'd take the camera away from her face stare me down and hiss, "hire yourself a professional!" I know deep down she loved every minute of it. Maybe...
Of course there are drawbacks to having a professional, like I can't send random texts to the photographer whenever I get an idea in my head. Five minutes ago it was, "CONVERSATION HEARTS! We NEED to buy a pound of conversation hearts for props!!!!" My photographer seems nice but dont think her fee includes putting up with a crazy woman.
And I AM crazy. I'm kind of embarrassed to say I've just spent at least an hour online searching for the perfect tutu. A TUTU. Not just any old tutu will do. First of all, it has to be red. It would appear that pink seems to be the color of choice for tutu's--red not so much. And I want soft and whimsical. Not hard and pointy looking.
I'm not sure what it says about me that I get so excited and determined over red tutus. I take that back. I have a pretty good idea what it says about me and none of it is good but I can't help myself. I'm off to find me some heart-shaped sunglasses.
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