Buttercup has got this thing for these "Hello Kitty" socks. They were a gift and came in a bunch of bright colors.
It's a rare occurrence in this household to actually have two matching kitty socks on hand. And I decided a long time ago that matching socks are overrated.
But even when I have a matching pair and get all excited and proud of myself for running such a tight ship (yeah right) when I try to put them on her she goes all ballistic on me. Apparently, she doesn't like matching kitty socks.
Not a problem. Go on with your bad self. Wear mismatched socks.
But wait, it's not enough that SHE wears mismatched socks she now INSISTS that I wear mismatched kitty socks too.
This is my life people.
I'll tell you what else is my life.
Waking up at 4am. BC is still in her crib and still falls asleep on her own at bedtime without a fuss but we've definitely hit some road bumps. I'll be honest it's wearing me down. Four am is one thing but we've had a few 2am wake-ups in a row. I'm struggling. She's been sick. First it was a high temperature now a cold. Before that she was teething. I struggle with wanting to comfort my baby and slipping into old habits. Them damn experts weren't kidding when they say consistency is key. And unfortunately, when we aren't consistent and bend routine even just a little bit-it all goes downhill pretty fast. Mommy guilt is on full force around here.
But for now, let's just focus on happy socks.
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