Friday, April 29, 2011


I  mean really the whole thing was just perfect, wasn't it?

I'm taking about the Royal Wedding, of course or specifically Kate Middleton Princess Catherine's dress.

I know everyone's seen it by now but here's what I could find from google images just to allow ourselves to drool just a bit longer.

I really wasn't into all the hoopla, was never a Royal obsessor but the media told me otherwise and I  willingly obeyed and ate it all up.

I got up somewhere around 5 o'clock-ish and am a bit embarassed to say that it's noon and I've spent the majority of the morning watching all the coverage as well as googling Grace Kelly's wedding dress and other celebrity weddings which I will conveniently include here for you to relish as well.

Can you say the word iconic?

The only other recent wedding gown with sleeves that I could think of was Ivanka Trump's dress.  And boy was it gorgeous.

Beautiful. There's really nothing more to say. This commoner-wedding lover got her fix today and I should probably do something constructive with my day other than goo-goo-ga-ing over dresses.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Facebook is a bride's worst enemy

You know how it's supposed to be this magical moment when the bride and groom see each other for the first time on their wedding day? Well on my wedding day when I walked into the church and got my first glance at MY groom he looked pissed..not exactly the storybook moment I was envisioning.

Later on my husband told me he got super annoyed when he saw his crazy brother-in-law jump in front of the professional photographer we paid good money for so he could get the money shot of me walking down the aisle on his camera phone.

HIS CAMERA PHONE.  He got in the way of our professional photographer and the photographer's fancy schmany camera so he could get a shot of me walking down the aisle on his CAMERA PHONE.  And then he proceeded to take that photo of me on his camera phone with my eyes half-closed and making some weird face and posted it on Facebook.

Imagine my surprise when I got back from my honeymoon and went back to work to have people I barely know tell me, aww welcome back I saw your wedding pictures!

Really? How is that possible? I mean I barely even KNOW you and I haven't even seen the pictures from our photographer.

One word for you. FACEBOOK.  Yes, for girls like me Facebook is our worst enemy. And when I say girls like me I am referring to insecure, type A personality control freaks that do not photograph well on your CHEAP CAMERAS and are less than thrilled that you decided to share theses photos with 200 of your closest friends. 

Listen, I am not a photogenic person. I know this. It's been painful growing up with two very photogenic sisters. So I know that my wedding photographer had his work cut out for him but little did I know that everyone and their mother thinks they're a photographer these days and felt it was their duty to photograph our wedding day and promptly post them on Facebook without even bothering to think hmmmm the bride does look a bit cross eyed in this one maybe I shouldn't post. NO! OF COURSE NOT.

I know it's silly to some but the fact is a bride wants to look and feel beautiful on her wedding day and years from now wants to look at her wedding pictures and think, "damn I looked hot...what happened to me??"

But seriously this is an important day and the reality is most people don't take good pictures and most of the point and shoot cameras our there don't do justice to the DRESS.

I know this for a fact because the photos of me in my wedding dress that wound up on Facebook are NOT GOOD. So yea, I guess I'm a little sensitive about photo-taking at weddings and believe that you should "leave it to the professionals."

So when I attended a wedding last week of a dear, dear friend I may have been a little miffed when the lady next to me kept getting annoyed because the photographer [as in PROFESSIONAL photographer] "kept getting in her way" as she phrased it.

The first time she complained about the photographer I kinda just politely smiled and shook my head. But after she started doing ninja moves to get IN FRONT OF THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER I felt I had to intervene. And so next time she complained about the photographer I responded,  "well, they did hire HIM to take pictures and not you" and added a small laugh at the end in hopes that it would come across as light and airy because you know I'd hate to offend her.

Luckily for me she was not offended at all; in fact, she spent the rest of the night focusing her attention on me and getting embarrassing pictures of me out on the dance floor.  Her favorite picture that she snapped was one of my armpit. Yes, the open bar had given me the confidence I needed to think I could dance and she got the perfect close-up of my armpit while I was dancing with my arms in the air. 

I am waiting for it to surface on Facebook.

I guess the title of this post should be anybody with a camera that I am not paying a few grand to make sure I look good is my worst enemy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fit Pregnancy

Let me just preface this by saying, No, I am not pregnant BUT that doesn't mean I don't have a right to browse through Fit Pregnancy magazine if I'm killing time at the book store waiting for my ride, right?

Well, apparently Barnes and Noble doesn't think so because Fit Pregnancy is wrapped in a plastic cover which means I can't read the magazine for free which is what my intention was.

I've had my eye on Fit Pregnancy for a while now. It's one of the magazines promptly  displayed  in the checkout line at Whole Foods at Columbus Circle and since I seem to find myself at Whole Foods every other day (yea we're that household that does not buy in bulk or plan weekly meals and so somewhere around 4 o'clock we  I realize that we've got nothing for dinner and make the pilgrimage to Whole Foods)   I always check out the cover and vow I will not make the same mistake I made with the small fortune I spent on bridal magazines.

Real Simple Weddings, Martha Stewart Wedding, New York Weddings...yup I bought them all.  And seriously folks, I could've really saved a bundle if I had just went out and bought a damn subscription when the whole wedding madness began.

Martha Stewart Weddings costs a whopping six bucks an issue but I could've gotten the ENTIRE YEAR for 12 bucks!


But I'm a bit superstitious and can't bring myself to BUY the magazine when I'm not even pregnant...maybe that's like a no-no you know...kinda like the same theory of you shouldn't go wedding dress shopping or ring shopping if you don't even got a man.

And even though there's ALWAYS a mad crazy line at Whole Foods there's never really enough time to browse through the magazine.  You gotta be alert at Whole Foods--there's a very complex (no, not really but it does seem to befuddle newbies) numeric color coded system that designates your corresponding register.  But enough on the checkout line at Whole Foods because this is not about Whole Foods this is about me wanting to flip through Fit Pregnancy Magazine!

Which sadly I did not but somehow ended up flipping through a bunch of bridal magazines....Oh wedding planning how I  miss you! Just like a bad relationship now that all this time has passed it's so easy to just remember the good times.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Two Steps Forward...Two Steps Back

Be proud people I just applied to a job. Granted it's 1:15 in the afternoon and I told myself I wanted to be done by noon. It was definitely morning when I started working on it.  Hey, at least it got done.

For anyone out there on the job hunt...I feel you. Applying and looking for jobs is no easy task. It takes sheer determinaton to not just throw in the towel. Sure, it sounds so easy 'please submit your resume and cover letter' but writing a cover letter takes me for-EVAH. You can't just have a generic one you know-you want to tailor it to the job description plus I periodically send lines from my cover letter to my sisters and BFF for them to proofread to make sure I'm not commiting some kind of gramatical sin.

So, I've got one more job I want to apply to and at least one "networking" email to send but I'm procrastinating because I really find this whole applying for jobs and interviewing for jobs thing to be EXHAUSTING to my soul and mental happiness. 

But still be proud people because I did get one application done. Granted, I finished off a bag of my favorite Easter candy during the process....