Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Checking In....

So I feel like a little update is in order. Besides, I have a zillion things I should/NEED to be doing now so what better way to procrastinate than to update my lil' blog on my spiritual, oral and mental well-being?!

You know the whole "meditating for a minute" thing I was all gung-ho about that Oprah swear would make me happier? Yea...not going so well. I think maybe (and this is a stretch) I did it a total of five days. I don't know what it says about me that I can't seem to dedicate 60 seconds of my day to SILENCE.  60 seconds.

I faced Olga, my never satisfied hygienist last Wednesday. And let me tell you I really stepped it up. I can only think of TWO nights that I went to bed without flossing. Superbowl Sunday and the night of the Grammy's. Those margaritas really put me to sleep FAST. 

Less drinking = healthier teeth. 

Olga was still not satisfied; although...dare I say, she was a little kinder. She wants me to come back in three months. She says my gum line is receding and that my flossing isn't reaching far enough and my roots are going to be exposed and if that happens it'll REALLY SUCK so I have to fork out 150 bucks because my insurance doesn't cover more than two cleanings a year. I suppose I could just go back in six months but who wants an exposed root? That just sounds bad.

The SCAR from the SURGERY.  Well, it's been three months since the surgery and while my scarf collection has grown considerably...

This was my scarf collection right after the surgery...

And this is my collection now...

This whole scarf thing can't go on much longer. It definitely helps to have colorful array of options at my disposal-but the weather is starting to warm up and on a recent freakishy warm day when it was in the 60's, I went out to lunch with some friends. I wore one of my lighter-weight scarves but regardless it started getting H.O.T. After a long walk to the restaurant, and sitting too close to the fire in the restaurant (nice touch people but it's 60 degrees outside) I was over-heating and it was all I could do to not rip that scarf off. 

Maybe if I had been more consistent with my "meditation for a minute" thing I might have not grown so irritable in my own hotness.

I know this sounds ridiculous but I used to have a pretty good-looking neck! And I miss it. The location of the incision is in such an INCONVENIENT spot-it really is.  It's hard to find a necklace-that can really hide it. It's just too high up on the neck. And I'm not really into the whole choker thing.

I learned this the hard way when I was struggling to figure out what to wear to a business meeting.
Oh, what a nightmare it was. Scarves are great but when it comes to dressing in business attire I can't really see how to not look like an airline attendant...

or an un-hip, middle-aged mom....

This lady looks very nice, in fact I'd go as far as to say she's probably the nicest lady in the office but this is not me. I'm a YOUNG 30-something! I'm still hip...well kinda....

I was able to wear a button down shirt with a collar that went pretty high up and dug up some fake pearls on a flimsy string that my hubby was able to twist so they stayed higher up on the neck. 

So for now, I'm on a mission to find an everyday necklace that actually covers this scar or somehow figure out to pull out the Jackie O inspired look....

But let's be real. The chances of me pulling off a look like this are about as high as me becoming a dedicated meditator....slim to none. Maybe if I had Olga as my spiritual leader or least I'd be scared into taking action. 

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