Sunday, October 31, 2010

can't live with him, could never live without him

What is wrong with my husband falling asleep watching football on a Sunday evening?

nothing, except that while he naps, I'M SLAVING AWAY WORKING ON HIS RESUME-that's what!

I get it. There's nothing worse than working on your resume and when you have a pretty decent job already-there's not much incentive.

But a few weeks ago my cousin's girlfriend called and said there were a few openings at her job in DC! As in back HOME!  She kindly sent the hubs the job posting and told her to send his resume to her. Hubs took one look at the job description and said, "whoa, that job looks hard." Does he bother to write her back? No. Wifey not happy but wifey has a lot on her plate and doesn't have as much time as she'd like to nag dear husband about these important details.

Well fast forward to last night my aunt calling and ME getting in trouble for HIS actions. Can you believe it?

Sigh, I can't be too mad at him though. Because this is my husband helping me do research at the library all day yesterday for a story I am working on.

Yes, microfilm. I thought I was done with this back in college. Apparently not.

You got off easy this time, my friend, next time you might not fair so well.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure you will pack up and move all the way here before you realize you don't want to be here!!
