Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I hate disappointing Olga.

So I did what was necessary. I canceled our appointment. The receptionist was not pleased.

Olga is my dental hygienist. Olga is never satisfied and I mean never.

I know I take pretty darn good care of my teeth but it's never good enough for this woman.

And she doesn't have a soft touch, she really doesn't and she doesn't care if she hurts me. It's like she's purposely punishing me.

But seriously what do you expect from a woman named Olga???

Yes, I was a little over-zealous in my past and believed that a hard firm toothbrush was the only way to get my teeth clean. Apparently, I brushed away part of my gum line.

You'd think that over-brushing might win some brownie points with her...hey at least this chic brushes but nooo...not this lady.

And I DO floss OLGA. Fairly regularly. Although sometimes I may go to sleep half drunk therefore flossing doesn't ALWAYS happen.

Anyway last appointment I said I was going to really buckle down and make it a goal that a month before my appointment with Olga I'd really go the distance and floss very carefully and slowly, really reaching under the gum line. I would rinse with ACT every night and brush with sensodyne.

But somehow my appointment snuck up on me and I got a message on my cell that my appointment was tomorrow morning.

Let's just say flossing has been sporadic at best lately...

I can NOT face Olga yet. I pushed my appointment back two weeks which I'm not sure is enough time but I'll try...so if you need me I'll be flossing.

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