Monday, December 20, 2010

Nothing says holidays like some RUM!

I'm feeling like a bit of a loser in the whole domesticated Holidays arena.  If you look around the apartment the only signs of Christmas is our wine rack.


It's totally full.

It doesn't usually look this way. We usually at best have one or two bottles on the rack and one is usually empty just for appearance sake.

The problem is we can't be trusted. If we buy a lot on wine in bulk-we will drink a lot of wine in bulk. The more we have the more we drink.

But it's Christmas and my hubby works for some really nice people that spoil us with a case of wine every year for Christmas.

The wine rack sure does look beautiful full of vino doesn't it. (We'll see how long it lasts)  By the way my hubby made that-like ALL-BY-HIMSELF.

The actual metal racks he bought from IKEA but the rest was all his doing and a lot of trips carrying wood on the subway.

This is our little DIY corner. Above the wine rack is my little DIY project. (And I do spend a lot of time on home design blogs and this is the best I could come up with people)

This is my little project where I took pretty wrapping paper and scrapbook paper and put in frames.

 Back to the holiday decor. We didn't even put up a tree this year...which makes me very sad. But it just didn't happen. The first two weeks of December we were dealing with the surgery and it was just too darn cold for me to say let's go walk ten minutes to get to the closest tree stand. Third week-back to work for me and now it's a week before Christmas and..... 

All I have a little nativity out and the few Christmas cards up that we've gotten.

So I decided to at least make rum cake . I'm not much of a food blog follower. But I do like Pioneer Woman's blog (think she's a great writer and love the easy to follow photos!) and last year I made this cake and got good feedback (i.e. hubby ate it up) and feel like it'll be a nice Christmas tradition.

And most importantly it's fairly simple. And we have rum left over to add to our wine rack/bar!

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